Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Other Side of the Tie.

Well hey everyone.

     About a week ago I posted some super depressing crap, that I've since taken down, because it wasn't me. I was in a bad mood and the worst of me surfaced. For those of you who read it, know that I don't really feel that way most of the time. Sometimes I just get overwhelmed. Human as charged. Time with blogs starts.
     I've come to realize more and more that at my core I don't relate too well to people comedically. I look at all these piece-a-junk comedies coming out, and think things like, "Where did the smart humor go?" and "how many times can really you make jokes about genitalia?".

    Now you may disagree. You may say things like "The new Ted movie looks really good." or "Adam Sandler is still really funny." And that's fine, for you. But just so you guys know what I think is really funny, here's the trailer from what is one of my favorite comedy movies.

     Did you like it? Probably not a lot. And that's how we're different. I love dry comedy. So until this style of movie makes a resurgence, or the comedy scene atleast incorporates more dryness, I probably won't be supporting new comedies. Just that simple. Shift.
     This week, I decided to change my "dress look" a bit, and I purchased a bow tie. The main reason for the purchase was that I wanted to look AFAP (as fly as possible) for my good friend's wedding coming up in mid-July. Any one who's my friend on Facebook, or follows me on Twitter has already seen the tie. But oh wait! What's this? It's REVERSIBLE? No way, Jon that's one of the most momentous things recently heard. I NEED to see it. Well, blog readers, because you've been so loyal to me, I got a bit dressed up again, and you get a FIRST LOOK at "the other side of the tie", as it were. (Mostly) Ladies and (a few) Gentlemen, the tie.

     I know the picture isn't good, the lighting in my room is shady and the camera's not all that great. But there it is. I absolutely love this tie. It's been my favorite clothing purchase I may have ever made. Well since my Nobody Beats the Biz t-shirt I got a few years ago, but Biz Markie is pretty hard to beat. Well, enough vanity. Here's more things from my brains.
     Through It All: Apologies are in order. It's been a long, LONG time since I've talked about Jesus in this blog. Most of the reason why is that it was a long time since I had talked to Jesus. I was bitter, and on my way back to depression and suicidal tendencies. But yet again, I've been redeemed. And that's all I can say really. I was pissed because things weren't going the way I wanted. I didn't feel wanted, really, except by my family. I didn't really want friends. I just wanted to introvert. Anyone who knew me a year ago knew what that was like. Stupid, right? But because he Loves me, he put people in my life to get back on track. He's forced me to be relational again, and the cogs turn. I'm still not doing great, in fact I ran into some self loathing and desperate temptations, and that's when God feels nearest. I'm going through some physical pain and discomfort. And today was the first time I thought to pray about it. Honestly, if you were in my body, with my mind, without Jesus, you'd think my life sucked. But I have him. He's mine. And remembering that the days of my life will be my greatest challenge. Because the world doesn't want to me to have him. And neither do his enemies. I will press on as I can.
      Put Those Ears to Work: As I mentioned earlier, I'm involved in weddings this summer. One of my duties for my good friend's wedding is that I get to run the music during the reception. Why I was chosen for this I don't exactly know. But I love it. Wedding music is some the best and worst music out there. And I'm putting the playlist together. I get to incude some of my all-time favorites, but I also get to throw in songs that my friend and I have shared. That we have memories over. Songs that we danced to as kids, or jammed to on car trips. I get to play them as he dances with his new wife, as he takes his first steps on the adventure that's been given to him. I get to share in that. Music may be the greatest force out there, next to Love, water,  Carly Rae Jepsen, and Shaquille O'Neal (who, by the way, has a rap album), and my role is to use that force to help people celebrate my oldest friend's marriage. I get to facilitate fun. And intitiate intimacy. And I'll be loving every minute of it.
     Thanks for reading today. You're pretty nice.

1 comment:

  1. One of the things I love about you is your authenticity....but i want you to remember that you inherited some things from me that we must break low self esteem, and not wanting to live or love at times because others did not love us or care if we lived. He wont let go and neither will I, and if you are a friend that has held onto Jon, I love you for that! Jon;s mom
