Sunday, August 26, 2012

Where Have I Been?

To my faithful readers:

I'm sorry.

It's been a really long time since I've said anything in blog form. And while I try to have as few delusions about my own popularity as possible, it's just my guess that at least one of you missed my blog a bit.
     But the good news is, I'm back.
     The last few months have really been full. Weddings, moving, trips to Idaho, a haircut or two, lots of caffeine and occasional pipe smoking.

Wedding season is finally over, and after seeing five of my friends get married, I'm basically a wellspring of wedding knowledge, complete with all stages that go with that. Joy. Jealousy. Happiness. Melancholy. Sobriety. Drunkenness. Maturity. Immaturity. And I think most importantly, realizing just how blessed I am. Because a year ago, I wouldn't be in a place where I could enjoy even one of my friends being happy. God has taken me a long way.
   So I've moved up a bit, I guess you could say. I am the proud(ish) owner of a smartphone. It's my first ever. And while I'm doing my best not to get attached, it can be tough. It's simply extraordinary convenient. This blog is being written from it. My music is played from it. My banking, my school work, and my social media is all controlled from this device. It's all quite decadent. My hope is that if I get addicted, you'll step up and help me. 
     Something that's changed since the last time I've blogged is my friends. I've been enriched with many new people in my life. For the first time in my life I've never been surrounded by so many people whom I really think understand me. To naturally get to an intimacy level with people that you see yourself in them and vice versa, is quite possibly one of them greatest things that's happened to me. Finding solidarity in knowing you're not alone and that there are people you've grown close to whom have been through what you've been through is so ridiculously therapeutic. I'm going to go into this more later. I'm including a picture of a coffee half-moon I saw today when hanging with a new friend. I just thought it was perfect. 
     Well honestly this blog wasn't great. But the cogs are turning. This was a necessary piece of writing to get the thing launched again. Thanks for hanging in there, folks. I love you and look forward to where this thing is going.

     You're beautiful.

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