Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Living in Media. Relating Reality.

Welcome back everyone, to my newest blog.

     Now that I've had time to get my thoughts together and realize just how much I've missed this blog, I'm doing everything I can to make this the best one I've done recently. For you. You see, I like you a lot. You're honestly one of my favorite people, because you've taken it upon yourself to be in my head. You've taken steps that the majority of people never will, and I apprecaite that. And since you came here to see what I've been doing, that you shall see. Go.
     For all of you that don't know, I'm back in school. Yes. Again. I'm old, and I want to apologize for that, but I can't do that in good faith. I am back to get a degree, and then move on. I'm still doing horticulture, not because it's my greatest passion, or because I can honeslty see myself making it my life for the next 50 years, but because it wil take me where I want to go. Growing plants can get me in to some of the most closed countries. Simply having irrigation plans ready can get me into most of Africa. Because people need food. And I want to get them that. And then share the truth with them.

Truth? What truth?

That God loves them. That there's a force moving through the universe who cares for them enough to not only send a goofy, near-sighted American with a crooked nose to help them dig wells and plant crops, but to send that man with the truth of Jesus Christ (I won't get "preachy" with you, though it be my passion). So right now, I can offer the world food and Jesus. However, in some countries, it's hard to do one without the other. I can't get in without the plant knowledge and (this is going to sound bad) I really wouldn't want  to without knowing who Jesus is. So I'm bound to Horticulture. And I'm back. And doing what I can to get the heck outta here. In other words, pray for me and/or send me money. Onward.
     It shouldn't still be 90 degrees outside. This is stupid. I long for the days of coolness. Jeans and a hoodie. Leaves crunching. Tea in the morning and a glass of whiskey and a book by night. Those days are coming slowly.
     I love Seinfeld. If you didn't know that then you're either a new friend, or a bad one. I absolutely think it's the greatest sitcom of all time (save for maybe All in the Family). The show is so poignant to real life. And yet it's about nothing. The show has no real base, and accomplishes nothing except to make the viewer laugh. But it is SO dang applicable to life. Here's an example I caught this week while doing some homeworks.

     I know the quality there wasn't the best, and I apologize for that (to be honest, it took me a long time to get that video on here, just for you). But do you see parallels to today? Anything recent that might have happened that reminds you of this instance? Perhaps a company head who may have voiced a personal opinion about an issue that millions of people blew out of porportion?

     Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. I hate this debate, and even more so the fact that a man voicing an opinion even makes this a debate issue. But, how crazy is it that a show written almost 20 years ago is relevant in this way? Completely applicable. I emplore you to watch more Seinfeld. It will change the way you look at the world. Gittyup.
     Put Those Ears to Work: Frank Ocean. What do you think of when I say this name? Most of you probably think nothing. A few of you brave sojourners into the world of dark rap may know him from being a part of the rap group Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All (often shortened to OFWGKTA or just Odd Future). Fewer still would know his solo stuff. And that's what I'm touching on today. His first solo album Channel Orange came out a few weeks ago, and I was just now only able to listen to it. The first things that come to mind after the album ends are:

"What the heck did I just listen to?"
"This is the best album since My Beautiful, Dark, Twisted Fantasy."
and simply enough...
     Frank is a young guy. And because of that, I was hesitant to find his words about love believable. I mean, he's barely older than I am, and from listening to the album, you'd think he was some kind of modern day Isaac Hayes. Like he's been in love. He's been on drugs. He's been through the sad existence of decadence and likewise what it feels like to be trapped in poverty. You get the feeling like he's been through the ringer. Like he's been hurt a lot and experienced more confusion and heartache than most people his age. And then the song Forrest Gump hits. And it's all confirmed. I'm not going to give it away. Listen.
     When it comes down to it, I love Frank Ocean. He's one of the most real musicians from my generation. He's neo-soul, meaning you older folks don't need to be afraid simply because he's a rapper. He has things to say. And feelings to emote. And I hope he doesn't stop sharing any time soon.
     For a little while now, I've been involved in Instagram. If you want to follow me, you're welcome to. Art is never something I understood. And that hasn't changed. But I take pictures and I like them sometimes.
     As I now go about the rest of my day, and you yours, I hope you find blessing. That you would know who you are and what you're doing. Thanks for being in my life. 

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