Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I Asked for Sweaters.

Yello! Yellooooo.


Well enough of that. How are you today? Since you really can't answer me, I'll just assume you're well.
     Fall finally feels like it's here. That's going to be a primary motif today. Here's how I Fall in love.
I woke up to some BEAUTIFUL rain this a.m. Cold rain. Hard rain. It was lovely. The best early wake up I've had in five years. Errghh.

     I was able to wear jeans today. What a joy. And an Eddie Bauer button up thingy. It was all wonderful. Fall is my favorite time. It's the retirement period of the life of a year. It's when you're able to reflect on what happened and find freedom in the weather. There are a lot of great things about Autumn, but you know what I'd have to say my favorite part is?

Sweaters and flannels.
I love sweaters.
All of my real friends would know that.
Heck, thinking back, I realized that last year I asked my parents for like four or five sweaters for Christmas.
     Just think about that for a moment. Do you understand what's happened? Because I do, and it's slightly depressing.
I'm old for being 24. I'm really old.
I'm 2/7 on my way to death (estimated) and I'm already asking for sweaters. I'm not sure which direction I can really go from here. Maybe some Aqua Velva and a fedora. A cane. Bright blue denims from a farm supply store and some white shoes? Someone please help me, before it's too late. But until then, I'll be showing off my lovely sweater collection via blog. I'm sure each and every one of you will be just as ecstatic as I am for all sweaters you'll see. I'm happy for you. 
     Fall ushers in football season. Two years ago, I could not have cared less. Football was nothing to me. Heck, as of October 2010, the last football game I'd been to was my high school making it to the state championship in 2008. And I wasn't in high school then. I'd never been to a Cyclones game, and I had no intention of liking the NFL. And then something changed.
     I went to my first Cyclones game in November of 2010. If there are any Big 12 fans out there, you'll either fondly or begrudgingly remember this game. We played the Huskers. We almost won. An uncompleted pass in the endzone lost us a game that we could've tied up with a PAT. But we went for a two-point conversion. The Cyclones may have lost, but I didn't. Going to the game, and being in the atmosphere really ignited a love for football. So I decided to start watching some NFL for diversity's sake (I wasn't going to pick another college team, the Cyclones were my everything). I stumbled across a team that I started to like a lot, for no particular reason, and I haven't stopped apologizing since.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm a New York Jets fan.
     I'm not sure what it was at first that attracted me to the Jets. I think it's like falling in love. Sometimes you just know. The best bet I can come up with at this point is that I wanted to find a team, they had exposure at the time, they were doing OK, AND they had knocked the Patriots out of the playoffs (my sister's a Patriots fan, so there was some desire to make her mad, sorry sis). Whatever the reason was, I got drawn in. So I want to apologize to many of you who think that I'll be free on Sundays starting now. I won't. With the added Fantasy League I'm in this year, there will be very little but football on the weekends for me this year. It is what it is.
The last few weeks have left me with a bit of a tug on my heart. I came to the realization that I don't know enough about films. Sure, I've seen my fair share. But I haven't really watched a lot of film.
With that in mind, I have this to say.
You ready?
I'm adding a film section to the blog.
I was too excited for that.
The new section is called Moving Pictures & the Things They Say. I'll be showcasing different movies from different genres, incuding my all time favorites. Probably starting with some films from my all time favorite director, Mr. Stanley Kubrik.

  I hope you find it enjoyable.
     Hey now, I think that's about enough blog for you, reader. Get back to your life. Lord knows I need to get back to mine. Thanks for being with me. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making me smile....and there is nothing wrong with sweaters!
