Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Hipster Issue Pt. I: A Brief History

Hey all. I'm back.

I decided to bring something interesting this time, and address an issue that is brought up daily in my life, either inadvertently or intentionally. That issue, if you can read (which if you can't, just let me tell you that I've always loved you, but was too shy to say so. You're just so beautiful), is the concept of Hipsterism.This is going to be a two part blog, the first being a history, with part two being a personal reaction to the Hipster lifestyle.  This is going to be a winded one, but I'll include stuff to hopefully keep you interested. Let's dive in.
What is a Hipster? Well, it depends who you ask. Many people in today's society see anyone who wears thick-rimmed glasses, listens to Indie and Underground music, and has "thrift store" fashion sensibilities as a Hipster. Some would disregard the outside and see people who are so counter cultural that they hate anything deemed "Mainstream". Others see pure pretentiousness, wound up in hypocrisy. Since there are so many definitions, here comes some "Hipstory".

The term "Hipster", as many people probably don't know, was spawned in the 1930s and '40s, usually referencing middle class white youth who simply immersed themselves in the Jazz scene, which was dominated by black people. While the definition changed and all but disappeared until the '90s. I recall an episode of Seinfeld as the first term my little ears heard the word Hipster. Enjoy.

In the late '90s into the 2000s, the definition again changed to the more common definition; A counterculture that likes things that your grandparents liked, started wearing jean shorts again, watched movies no one had ever heard of, and drank Pabst Blue Ribbon like it was the best beer around. However, this definition is only skin deep, and like any culture, describes some, but not all of its people. Here's a picture of your typical hipster dude, on the outside at least.

A "true" Hipster, as some say is someone who not only adopts the fashion changes, but also attitude and culture changes. Real Hipsters are very progressive and open minded, and typically support ideals of racial and  social equality.

The origin of their fashion comes from both an appreciation of vintage look, but  also a conscientiousness of re-using and recycling clothes to slow consumerism and materials production. However, Hipsters today are often seen today flocking to Apple stores to get the newest iPhone, and shopping at American Apparel, spending hundreds on the "vintage look". Many Hipsters claim to like things "before they were cool", stating that they were ahead of trends and indeed helped bring said trends into the spotlight. Whether or not this has any real credit, is still up for debate.

 On the outside, Hipsters may look pretentious and exclusive, but if they're true to their ideals, they'll be some of the nicest and most accepting people around. I would go to say that most of the problems with Hipsters revolve around either society not really understanding what these people are about, or people who adapt the Hipster fashion and not the ideology.
 Hopefully this was enjoyable. If not, I'll throw in an oldish Hipster joke.

Why did the Hipster burn his mouth?

Because he ate his soup before it was cool.

Laughter. End of blog. Thank you. Close window.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

When the Fit hits the Shan

Hi readers,

As you can tell (or maybe you didn't notice at all, eh) I took some time away from this blog to gather some thoughts and come back fresh. In the two weeks I was gone, life has seemed like Hell. The stuff that any normal person would love, I've loathed. Being around people, showering, eating hot wings with beer . I'm here to talk about my grief, I hope it may help you.
But before all that, I went to Wendy's and ordered a chicken sandwich. I forgot to ask for no mayonnaise. So there I was, driving 80 mph down I-35, scraping a big nasty blob of mayo off the bun with a napkin. Worst.
The entirety of my life, I've really never felt a stability of friendship. I've had people around, but was never close to them. I feel like my social life the last few years could be described as parasitic. When I started dating my last girlfriend, all I did was hang around her friends. Not really fitting in, just hanging around. I was that guy. I thought I had made friends with them, but once we broke up, it was over. I got really upset and suicidal and went through the darkest year of my life, which I'll gladly tell any of you about, if you'd like. I make it through that and start fresh. I start hanging out with friends that my roommate's made, and now I'm right back where I started. Feeling, for the most part, friendless. Thoughts roam free:

"You don't know how to make friends"
"You're too distant for anyone to like you"
"You're a fake."

These things circulate in most social situations. And even right now, as I lay here inappropriately dressed for bed (don't get the wrong idea, it's a button up polo and boxers, not the most comfortable). And there's truth to every single one of them. So I've felt increasingly friendless the last few weeks.
My room is so messy. I don't even know how I live in here. Instead of packing my things when I leave, I'm considering starting a controlled fire in here to torch all my crap.
I'm spineless. Especially to myself. I find all to often that when people ask me how I'm feeling, I say "OK", and not two minutes afterwards, feel completely the opposite. I can't tell myself how I'm feeling, much less other people.
My dating life has basically been nothing but painful the last two years. My last girlfriend and I broke up about a year and a half ago. That sucked. But since then, my dating life has consisted of being hit on at the bar, having girls throw themselves at me, making out with a few randos (I was attempting to anesthetize my pain, didn't work), liking girls who don't like me back, and meeting girls who do like me back, but can't date me. Fruitful. I've told myself a time or two that I'm done. That I'm just going to be a dick to girls and do what I can to drive them out of my life. But I know it won't happen. I HATE how damn sensitive I am. Hate it. I have a soft heart, though I often times don't want to.

I'm in pain. But I'm not going to God with it, because once again, He's doing it to me. I feel like he punched me right in the gut, I got away, and then expects me to come back and tell him I'm sorry. I want some time away. Though inevitably, I'll come "running back to Daddy", I'm prideful and hard-hearted right now.
 I recently took a step of faith, and came clean about some lies I was telling my friends. It hurt some people, and broke trust with one of them. Honest to God, I wish I had never sent it. I'd rather live in a lie than lose what I did. And that may sound bad, but more than anything I wish it would show that that person means a Hell of a lot to me.
I don't know what I need. I know all the things I want. And I get to a place where a majority of my wants become needs. That's a bad place to be. I suppose I just need to want less. That sounds dumb.
I have to start getting ready for work at eleven. I want to nap before then. But that's unhealthy. I guess it's breakfast time.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tired. Party. Rambling. Beer. Jesus. Sleep.

Haldo everyone and my blog you are to welcome.

Sorry for that. Watched some Homestar Runner recently. Outta my system. Well, I'm ready for bed. But figured I'd share a bit with you guys before all that. If you want to read what I have to say, that is.. If you don't, click the "x" by the tab that my blog's on, or just go  find the nearest lemon and go suck on it.

That was a joke. And a sour one at that (eh?). More blogging below.
Today started at midnight. As all day's do. There I was, trying to sleep because I had to wake up at five for work. And amidst my lousy sleep and weird dreams, I managed to get a few hours of sleep. At five I clambered out of bed, fixed my hair, gulped down some coffee and I was on my way. After work I went with Jake and my old roommate Seth to this place in Nevada called Snack Time, or something like that. The place had okay food, but honestly looked like the dining room of a retirement home, both in decor and in the demographic of patrons there. I went home, and passed out for two hours, only to find myself more tired than when I went to bed.

Clambering (I like the word, okay?) out of bed for the second time today, I went over to Welch Ave Station, where almost a week before I had left my I.D. after not giving the bartender back the darts I had borrowed. He looked at me and said "I'm guessing you left this here Saturday night, right?" to which I awkwardly kind of nodded my head and said "thank you". No way was I about to explain that I was going without an I.D. for over a week and just now remembered to go it. I'm a yutz.

I spent the evening int he company of good friends, celebrating my friend Alex's 21st birthday. At dinner, I let her try some of my Newcastle. She really didn't like it. And I loved that. We all went to her apartment and played Catch Phrase and ate cookies. Cookie sandwiches and Templeton Rye are a good combo. All encompassingly recommended.
Thumb on the Page: Here comes my first segment on what I'm reading. Currently I'm between several books, but the most prominent being The Brothers Karamozov by Fyodor Dostoevsky. If anyone has a lot of free time, and enjoys philosophy and ethics painted onto a canvas of murder, sensualism and blunt Christian theology, then this book is for you. I won't be surprised if this book is my favorite for a while. Dostoevsky writes in such a captivating manner that I find myself debating whether or not to go outside and participate in life. It's that good. More about this book as it's being read.
Through It All: A few days ago, I had a theological rant about Romans 14:22-23. In adding to that, Jake told me today that our pastor used a quote on Sunday while going through Mark 7. He was studying over the verse where Jesus says in verse 15
 "there is nothing outside the man which can defile him if it goes into him;
 but the things which proceed out of the man are what defile the man."

Pastor Troy used this quote along with it: "When we begin to detest what God allows, we begin to allow what God detests". How profound. God has given us to much freedom in truth, and to deny a bit of that for any reason is to attempt to limit the vastness of God himself. 
Sorry this is a bit of a short one, I'm getting loopy from lack of sleep. Hope to see you all soon. In person. For real. Enjoy tomorrow, for my sake. I'll be working an 8-6.

Monday, May 7, 2012

I'm On My Way

Hey all. Sorry it's been a while since I've posted, the last few days have been out-of-control busy. After a 12 hour day of being in my black and white's on Saturday and not really able to function at all Sunday, this is my first day really being alive. Okay, enough excuses. More blogging.
Today was a great day. I had a sweet time at work and grabbed lunch with my friends Matt and Kelsey afterwards (For everyone in not in Ames, I'm about to plug a local place, my apologies). We ate at the Downtown Deli, on Main Street right next to Olde Main. It has to be my favorite place in Ames to get a sandwich. Everything's fresh made, and SUPER cheap. You want to go sometime? I'll gladly take you. Then the three of us went out to Ada Hayden and did some exploring. We found a sweet little spot with a swing and a sweet view and we just sat there and enjoyed. You had to be there. So in other words, it was better for me than it is for you to read. Move along.
Free Willy is being watched on Netflix at my apartment. I'm also eating a freezie-pop. Enter 1995. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Put Those Ears To Work: First post about some music I want my friends to know about. I'm not getting into anything too weird or abstract, this time. So get your music devices ready and put on those listening pants. Here comes some ish.
I've been listening to the Proclaimers a ton the last few days. Everybody knows them from the song "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" and probably "I'm On My Way" from the first Shrek movie. However, I'm taking you off the beaten path, to the album "Hit the Highway". The album starts off strong with "Let's Get Married", a heartfelt tune that is as simple as it is profound and romantic. Guys, if you can sing and play guitar, propose with this song someday. It might just work. If it doesn't, look for another lady. The songs on this album are great, but if you're looking for a knockout single, you won't find it here. The album's gem, in my opinion, is their rendition of "I Want to Be a Christian". It's one of my favorite old hymns, and they pull it off just perfectly. The album ends with a song about as anti-romantic as they come, considering the one  it starts with. It's called "Don't Turn Out Like Your Mother". Here's my favorite line from this tune:

It's not the way she looks
It's not the food she cooks
Her kind of indignation
Don't cause me trepidation
But to live with a woman like this
Would take a masochist
Or someone who could get and could stay permanently pissed

Sublime. Please give it a listen. 
On a bittersweet note, my friend Dan Bivens is getting transferred to another Fareway. He's going to do great, but the store will be strange without him. I suppose it was only a matter of time. He'll be missed but he's on to "new" (Fareway is monotonous, no doubt) experiences. Let life change. But don't let it change you. That's for you to do.
There's not a lot more I want to say tonight. I've a bit of a headache, and I'm thinking I may see some homies tonight. It's supposed to be a really nice week. Get out there and enjoy it.

Honey mustard > all sandwich dressing. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

How the "four-letter-word" are ya?

So I'm laying in bed after a morning of work, and my mind's running. "What the heck should I tell people today? Should I even write anything?" "My apartment's hot." "I need to clean before my parents get here." "I have no clean pants". Things like that. I'm likely sleep deprived. I've realized that there are two types of people out there:
 1) Those that can complete lists.

Here's how my life is.
Last night was great. B-Dubs had an hour wait, so I took my friends out to eat at Old Chicago. Had some delicious pizza, followed by some Cold Stone, thanks to my buddy Orion. One of us left to go hang out with some other friends and the other three went and smoked some hookah with some more people. Hookah really is a great way to cap off a night. Not only is it super relaxing, but it's a fantastic bonding agent. Passing the hose, doing smoke tricks, all while watching Community. What I wouldn't give to make that my life. I said goodbye to my friend Collin, whom I may never see again while I still draw breath. But that's okay. I'm excited to see him do incredible things.
My parents and little brother are coming to stay with me tonight. My little brother is playing at Adventureland with the middle school band tomorrow. Which makes me a bit envious, as I quit band after a month my fifth grade year because I found it to be too much work. I was a turd in school. Nothing extracurricular. I have a lot of regrets about that. I hope to live vicariously through Noah. That he would be super involved and have a lot of good memories about that. Nevertheless,  I haven't seen my family in a while, and am pretty excited. Except I have a lot of cleaning to do, because none of us ever clean around here. It's hard being a boy *sigh*.
I'm regret to inform everyone out there that Adam Yauch, also known as MCA has died. He was the founding member of the Beastie Boys, and incredibly influential rap group in the mid '80s. White rappers in the '80s were like Black hockey players. It was a big deal to be a white rapper in the '80s. Much more a rap group. And even further more a REALLY GOOD rap group of white people.  They shouldn't need introduction. I really hope you all know who there are. Well, MCA was my favorite. He had a wicked flow and some great lyrics.
"My name is MCA, I got a license to kill.
I think you know what time it is, it's time to get ill."

Simply perfect. Well, at 47, he lost his battle with cancer today. Gone, but never forgotten. By me at least. And I would assume millions of others. This video always makes me chuckle. It's also where the title of the blog comes from. Oprah had ridiculous hair. And Tipper Gore can suck it. I've gotta take a line from Will Smith (back when he was a rapper) and say "Parents just don't understand" .

Well, I'm going to nap. I may have more later. But for now, I'm going to hit "Publish".

Bring the '80s back.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Cops, Cognac, and Christ

Well readers, here it is. My first official blog about things other than my blog. I'm excited, so I changed the font to Halvetica. Hope that's okay with you. I suppose I'll get right into it.

After what seemed to be an extremely long 6-4 shift today, I'm home. On my couch. I took a shower today after work, which was great since I sweat like  a sweater model in Swaziland today (just made that up, I know it's not great, but you can take it if you'd like). I tried some bar soap today for the first time in a long time. I feel like we as a culture are rising above and obsoleting bar soap, with quicker, more sanitary liquid body wash. And most choices for manly smelling bar soap left my skin dry, so I never used them. However, I have to admit that Dove Men+ bar soap has really stepped up the game. The soap is a quarter moisturizer and furthermore, smells great and lathers up like whoa. So for any of you dudes out there want to get a quality bar soap, I totally recommend Dove Men+. Moving on. 
 A customer at work was arrested today for shoplifting. Above everything else I was hoping beyond hope that it was all a misunderstanding. However it was not. And while it's easy to say "Hey, that guy got what he deserved.", well it's not easy for me. I've begun to hope for the best in people once again. It's probably been 10 years since I've done that, but I've realized that God sees more good in me than I do, and that I should attempt the same for everyone. Just a thought.
Everything in Moderation: I decided that I was going to relax with a nice (albeit small) glass of cognac after work today. I bought a bottle of Camus VSOP Elegance last week, and have only drank a bit.For those of you who don't partake in alcohol, or perhaps just don't know much about cognac, I'll teach you a little. Cognac is a brandy, a distilled spirit made from grape liqueur (also called eau-de-vie) which are only found in the Cognac region of France. It is typically drank in small portions, a shot or less, and is slowly sipped. One will hold the glass the cognac in his/her hand for ten minutes prior to gently warm the drink to release aroma (also called the nose). Take small sips and let the cognac roll over your tongue, filling your mouth with flavor, and allow it to seep to the back of your throat. It's an experience that I have not had with any other spirit to date. And while it's breathtaking and beautiful, it can be a bit intimate to (properly) drink with large groups. Cheaper cognac can be mixed (Hennessy and Coke is very popular) but I usually stick to the middle of the road stuff for the best of both flavor and price. Camus VSOP is a particularly round tasting cognac. None of the tastes really bite your tongue. You get some soft fruits and a bit of an almond aroma. After the sip, the taste and smell of fresh wood lies on your palate for a while. I recommend this to anyone who'd wants a middle of the road cognac. Anyone in Ames is welcome to come on over for a glass sometime. Picture up there.
Through it All: I got the privilege to work with one of my favorite people today, my friend Jake McLaughlin. He's been going through the New Testament in a Bible study of his and he brought up Romans 14:23 today, which along with 14:22 have been some of my favorite verses as of late. Here they are.
 "The faith which you have, have as your own conviction before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves. 23 But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and whatever is not from faith is sin."

 In my opinion, these verses can not be understated. The freedom from any and all legalism in the church and elsewhere are found in these verses. Because of them, I can glorify God through the cognac in my hand just as much as I can through reading his Word on my coffee table. But the real heft lies in the last bit after the semicolon; "and whatever is not from faith is sin.". Does that resonate with anyone out there? ANYTHING not done in faith is a sin. That's a lot of sinning on my part, and wouldn't doubt a fair share on yours. But that's a beauty of the Gospel. I'll weave the former verses in with this one, also from the book of Romans

"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." -Romans 5:8

WHILE WE WERE STILL SINNERS. Jesus died. He died so that I could wake up this morning and have a cup of coffee. That I could go work a nine hour day and see awesome people. That I could come home, take an awesome shower and have a glass of cognac and speak the incomparable name of God. And then stub all my toes in a door. But to fail to glorify God in all these things is a sin. Thanks Jesus.
Well, I feel satisfied with this post. I hope you feel the same. I need to get off here to meet some friends at Buffalo Wild Wings, one of which I may not see for some time after, if ever again. But that's college. Enjoy the time you have, don't fret at the time you don't. I hope this post finds you well. Relax tonight and enjoy the beautiful weather.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Putting It Together.

It's my day off. I haven't done much today except eat some cereal and drink a few cups of coffee. I've been thinking for a few hours about the direction I want this blog to go. I'm going to have a few sections I'll continually update. I want this to be something that you people enjoy reading. Here are the sections I'll be keeping you updated on, besides my random quips:

Thumb on the Page - This will be for semi-regular updates on the books I'm reading and recommendations for future reading, if anyone out there still reads.

 Put Those Ears To Work - Have your Spotify's ready. Music reviews. All kinds. Probably no Country. Sorry.

 Through It All - Ways we can worship God in every way. Practical and Impractical. Mostly impractical.

Everything in Moderation  - For my readers 21+. You guessed it. My reviews on beer, wine, and spirits. Recipes, price guides, how to's, tasting notes, etc.

Is there anything else anyone wants to see? If so, let me know.

I'm drinking some premium roast Cameron's French Roast right now. It's good stuff. Highly recommend the expensive coffee. Totally worth it.

Miracle Whip's new campaign is "Keep and Open Mouth". I'd rather be dead.

Suck it, sandwich dressing. 

The First Things You'll Read, From An Idle Wednesday Morning


It's a strange way to start a conversation, in my opinion. Perhaps because it's informal. And it implies some intimacy. Which we may or may not have. Yet I digress.

This blog will be filled with things about me. That sounds narcissistic, I know. But there will be other stuff too. Stuff that I do that you might want to read about. Which is why you'd come here. Hence the title.

I also don't like mayonnaise.

Here's a picture of me that I like.

Welcome to our friendship.