Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Hipster Issue Pt. I: A Brief History

Hey all. I'm back.

I decided to bring something interesting this time, and address an issue that is brought up daily in my life, either inadvertently or intentionally. That issue, if you can read (which if you can't, just let me tell you that I've always loved you, but was too shy to say so. You're just so beautiful), is the concept of Hipsterism.This is going to be a two part blog, the first being a history, with part two being a personal reaction to the Hipster lifestyle.  This is going to be a winded one, but I'll include stuff to hopefully keep you interested. Let's dive in.
What is a Hipster? Well, it depends who you ask. Many people in today's society see anyone who wears thick-rimmed glasses, listens to Indie and Underground music, and has "thrift store" fashion sensibilities as a Hipster. Some would disregard the outside and see people who are so counter cultural that they hate anything deemed "Mainstream". Others see pure pretentiousness, wound up in hypocrisy. Since there are so many definitions, here comes some "Hipstory".

The term "Hipster", as many people probably don't know, was spawned in the 1930s and '40s, usually referencing middle class white youth who simply immersed themselves in the Jazz scene, which was dominated by black people. While the definition changed and all but disappeared until the '90s. I recall an episode of Seinfeld as the first term my little ears heard the word Hipster. Enjoy.

In the late '90s into the 2000s, the definition again changed to the more common definition; A counterculture that likes things that your grandparents liked, started wearing jean shorts again, watched movies no one had ever heard of, and drank Pabst Blue Ribbon like it was the best beer around. However, this definition is only skin deep, and like any culture, describes some, but not all of its people. Here's a picture of your typical hipster dude, on the outside at least.

A "true" Hipster, as some say is someone who not only adopts the fashion changes, but also attitude and culture changes. Real Hipsters are very progressive and open minded, and typically support ideals of racial and  social equality.

The origin of their fashion comes from both an appreciation of vintage look, but  also a conscientiousness of re-using and recycling clothes to slow consumerism and materials production. However, Hipsters today are often seen today flocking to Apple stores to get the newest iPhone, and shopping at American Apparel, spending hundreds on the "vintage look". Many Hipsters claim to like things "before they were cool", stating that they were ahead of trends and indeed helped bring said trends into the spotlight. Whether or not this has any real credit, is still up for debate.

 On the outside, Hipsters may look pretentious and exclusive, but if they're true to their ideals, they'll be some of the nicest and most accepting people around. I would go to say that most of the problems with Hipsters revolve around either society not really understanding what these people are about, or people who adapt the Hipster fashion and not the ideology.
 Hopefully this was enjoyable. If not, I'll throw in an oldish Hipster joke.

Why did the Hipster burn his mouth?

Because he ate his soup before it was cool.

Laughter. End of blog. Thank you. Close window.

1 comment:

  1. Every person who looks like a Hipster and drinks PBR (only from a can), at least in Sioux City, is a TERRIBLE tipper. That fact alone has influenced me to dislike the entire breed.
