Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tired. Party. Rambling. Beer. Jesus. Sleep.

Haldo everyone and my blog you are to welcome.

Sorry for that. Watched some Homestar Runner recently. Outta my system. Well, I'm ready for bed. But figured I'd share a bit with you guys before all that. If you want to read what I have to say, that is.. If you don't, click the "x" by the tab that my blog's on, or just go  find the nearest lemon and go suck on it.

That was a joke. And a sour one at that (eh?). More blogging below.
Today started at midnight. As all day's do. There I was, trying to sleep because I had to wake up at five for work. And amidst my lousy sleep and weird dreams, I managed to get a few hours of sleep. At five I clambered out of bed, fixed my hair, gulped down some coffee and I was on my way. After work I went with Jake and my old roommate Seth to this place in Nevada called Snack Time, or something like that. The place had okay food, but honestly looked like the dining room of a retirement home, both in decor and in the demographic of patrons there. I went home, and passed out for two hours, only to find myself more tired than when I went to bed.

Clambering (I like the word, okay?) out of bed for the second time today, I went over to Welch Ave Station, where almost a week before I had left my I.D. after not giving the bartender back the darts I had borrowed. He looked at me and said "I'm guessing you left this here Saturday night, right?" to which I awkwardly kind of nodded my head and said "thank you". No way was I about to explain that I was going without an I.D. for over a week and just now remembered to go it. I'm a yutz.

I spent the evening int he company of good friends, celebrating my friend Alex's 21st birthday. At dinner, I let her try some of my Newcastle. She really didn't like it. And I loved that. We all went to her apartment and played Catch Phrase and ate cookies. Cookie sandwiches and Templeton Rye are a good combo. All encompassingly recommended.
Thumb on the Page: Here comes my first segment on what I'm reading. Currently I'm between several books, but the most prominent being The Brothers Karamozov by Fyodor Dostoevsky. If anyone has a lot of free time, and enjoys philosophy and ethics painted onto a canvas of murder, sensualism and blunt Christian theology, then this book is for you. I won't be surprised if this book is my favorite for a while. Dostoevsky writes in such a captivating manner that I find myself debating whether or not to go outside and participate in life. It's that good. More about this book as it's being read.
Through It All: A few days ago, I had a theological rant about Romans 14:22-23. In adding to that, Jake told me today that our pastor used a quote on Sunday while going through Mark 7. He was studying over the verse where Jesus says in verse 15
 "there is nothing outside the man which can defile him if it goes into him;
 but the things which proceed out of the man are what defile the man."

Pastor Troy used this quote along with it: "When we begin to detest what God allows, we begin to allow what God detests". How profound. God has given us to much freedom in truth, and to deny a bit of that for any reason is to attempt to limit the vastness of God himself. 
Sorry this is a bit of a short one, I'm getting loopy from lack of sleep. Hope to see you all soon. In person. For real. Enjoy tomorrow, for my sake. I'll be working an 8-6.

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